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 What if the things you’ve been taught about women in church are wrong?

How would the truth change your life?


As a woman are you frustrated, knowing that there is more to who you are, wanting to follow the call of God on your life, but being told that you can’t because you’re a woman?

As a man have you ever felt that women just don’t seem to know their place and you wished they did?

As a Church leader have you wondered how to navigate the tensions that exist in your church between those who say, “Women can do anything” and those who say, “Women should know their place…because the Bible says…”?

If you’ve experienced any of these challenges then help is here! In Daughters of Eve Lyn Packer shows how we came to believe what we do about women, exposes the distortions of truth that we’ve been subject to, and shows what Scripture really says about women – and it’s probably not what you’ve been taught. In fact it’s far better than you can believe!

If you’re a seeker of truth then Daughters of Eve is an essential read and is an amazing resource, one that you’ll refer to often – for individual use, pastoral ministry or group study.  



“Lyn Packer has written an extraordinarily important book that will strengthen marriages, families, and churches.” Paul Ellis, Author, and founder of ‘Escape to’

“This well researched and written book will change the way you think regarding women, their role in the Bible and their place in God’s ultimate plan for His church.” Wendy Peter, Director - Women on the Frontlines Global.

Rob Radosti, Founder, Church14


What You Will Discover


 In Daughters of Eve you will discover truth that will set you gloriously free! This is not just a book for women, but for everyone! Whether you are male or female, a congregation member, a ministry leader, or pastor, this book is a prophetic call to you to rediscover God’s glorious plan for women and your place in that plan.

In this book you’ll discover

  • Historical and current secular and church perspectives.

  • How Jesus radically challenged societal and religious views of women.

  • Heroines of faith in the early church – women evangelists, apostles, prophets, teachers and pastors. Women who were society changers and cultural architects.

  • How the early church was led by both men and women, and how that was changed over time to fit certain men’s agendas.

  • Why five women apostles names were changed to men’s names in the Bible.

  • How many of Paul’s statements were mistranslated, and what Paul really said.

  • What is at stake if we don’t address this issue in the church.

  • Insight into how to move forward from where we are today.

In writing this book Lyn Packer brings together over thirty years of study and personal experience as a woman in ministry. She looks deep into Scripture, church and world history to present a clear case for how far we have wandered from God’s original intent for man and woman and presents us with a clear pathway back. In this way Daughters of Eve is powerful – it is both a banner of truth to rally around, a hammer of justice that smashes the glass ceiling over women in the church, and a clear pathway forward so that we can see all people free to be who God has called them to be.


Who should read this?


This book is essential reading for every Christian who wants to see the church function the way God intended it – bringing salvation, freedom, deliverance, fulfilment, and life in all its fullness to every person alive. How women are viewed and treated, both in society and in churches, is a foundational issue that must be faced. It is absolutely essential that we face it and bring the needed change in order for the church to be able fulfil God’s plans in the earth.

Women – why should you read it? Because knowing God’s plan for you as a woman is essential to you understanding your identity and becoming all that God has created you to be. When you know how God sees you, what His plans for you are, and how you can walk in freedom, you can be released to be your authentic self, and in doing so, bring much needed changes to society.

Men – As long as women are not truly free you cannot be truly free, either; it’s impossible! In this book you’ll discover what you lost as a result of the Fall and how, by rediscovering God’s plan for women, you will also rediscover the true fullness of God’s plan for your life.

Pastors and ministry leaders – I know that your heart is to see all God’s children freely follow His call on their lives. What a sense of fulfilment and purpose the church would experience, and what a harvest would be reaped, if this was the case!  This book will help you in that! It presents truth in a clear scriptural way and gives you knowledge and information that will help you break through the misinformation, distorted pictures, and lies that people have believed over the years. You’ll also discover how you can activate the unused gifts of the women in your church and get all the players onto the field, instead of half of them sitting on the bench.



“I believe this book, Daughters of Eve, will be of great benefit to many...” Joan Hunter, Author/ Evangelist/TV Host.

“You will be challenged and inspired as you process the profound revelation that is in Lyn Packer’s book Daughters of Eve.” Rob Radosti, Founder, Church14

Ian & Dayle Wright, Senior Leaders, Invercargill Christian Centre


Take a Look Inside



1   Remembering Eve

2   God’s Original Plan

3   Consequences of The Fall

4   Before Jesus

5   Jesus – Back to The Original Plan

6 ­  The Early Church

7   Paul’s Tricky verses

8   From Jesus and Paul to Today

9   Where We Are Today

10 Into the Future 

How to Use this Book as a Study Guide

At the end of each chapter is a section titled “Go Deeper”. This section gives you questions to consider that will help you process the information in that chapter. These questions mean this book is also great for using as a group study.


About the Author


Lyn Packer is an internationally respected prophet, teacher and author who has been in full-time ministry for over four decades. Lyn heads up “Together Network” and the “New Zealand Prophetic Network”, and is on the Global Board of Patricia King’s “Women in Ministry Network”. Lyn and her husband Rob have faithfully served the church worldwide over their 40+ years of ministry. Rob is also well-known as a teacher, worship leader and coach, itinerant minister and pastor. They live in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Lyn’s heart in writing this book is two-fold

  • to help you, as a woman, discover the truth about God’s plan for your life, find your true identity and be free to be all God created you to be.

  • To help the church know, and show, that in Christ there truly is freedom and life in all it’s fullness, for all people!

Don’t miss out, buy Daughters of Eve now and let the truth set you free to be all God created you to be!