Unlock the Power of Your Sanctified Imagination

This masterclass, held over 3 nights, will help you understand the purpose of your God-given imagination,.and how to use it in conjunction with the leading of the Holy Spirit!

Your imagination was created and given to you by God for a very powerful purpose.  Scripture refers to it as the “eyes of your mind/understanding” (Eph1:18);  it is a part of your sense of sight, and it operates both in the natural and the spiritual realms.

Your imagination is a glorious gift from God and has a huge effect on your life; its main purpose is to help you live the kind of life God has imagined for you…

  • It’s where you internally see the visual revelation you receive from God.

  • It’s where you meditate, conceive, and build the framework for things that will become your realities.

  • It’s where you begin to activate your role of being a solutionary – one who releases heaven into earth; a place to innovate and dream of inventions, ministry ideas, conflict solutions, and much, much more…

Over these three nights you’ll…

  • Discover key insights that will enable you to unlock the power of your sanctified imagination.

  • Discover what Scripture says about your God-given imagination, and how God says to use it.

  • Discover how God uses the eyes of your mind when giving you visions and spiritual experiences.

  • Do activations to give you practical experience in receiving revelation.

  • Receive tips for discerning true revelation from God and revelation from other sources

  • Discover how to cooperate with God in receiving and understanding revelation and how to translate that revelation into practical knowledge and outworking.

  • Learn how your sanctified imagination can help you step into your destiny in God.

  • Receive spiritual and practical keys that will enable you to overcome the devil’s strategies for taking you out of your destiny.

Held via Zoom on the 26th, 27th & 28th March 2025 – 7.30pm

Don’t worry if you can’t attend any of these Zoom Sessions, as they will be recorded and will be available for you to view after the event. Along with that, you’ll have access to view, and download, any PDF docs that will be referred to during the sessions.

Cost 55.00

Registrations for this Masterclass Have Now Closed

About Lyn Packer

Lyn Packer’s main ministry calling is to train people in the prophetic gift and its various expressions. She is recognized as a prophet within New Zealand and internationally across many different denominations. She is part of the New Zealand Council of Prophets and leads the School of Prophets Aotearoa. Lyn has many years of experience in interpreting visions and spiritual experiences and she is looking forward to teaching you in this masterclass.