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Do you want to hear some really good news?

What if… God is more loving than you’ve been taught, and the Good News is better than you’ve believed…up ‘til now?

How would revelation like that change your life?

The perspective you see from, and the revelation you have, can make God seem like a loving Father or an abusive one, a God who treats you like a hired servant, or one who treats you as a mature son or daughter.

The Bible says “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”

That prompts these questions – Is what you currently know actually the truth? and…Are you as free as God wants you to be?


What would your life be like if you discovered that God is better than you’ve been told He is, the truth is more liberating than you’ve known, and life in all its fullness can be your reality in Christ – a life full of love and overflowing in goodness and provision?

“What if…”  takes you on that journey.

What you will discover

Through this book you’ll receive life-changing revelation of the goodness of the Trinity, made manifest in Christ, through the New Covenant He established with mankind. Your journey of discovery will be activated and fuelled through a series of “What if” questions that will result in you growing in both truth and freedom. You’ll discover for yourself, either for the first time, or in a deeper way than you already know…

  • What God is really like.

  • Why religion can never satisfy.

  • How the Good News is even better than you’ve thought.

  • That God really does love you.

  • That life in all its fullness really is possible – for you!

  • That God plans to do you good – all the time!

  • That God never will leave you or forsake you!

  • The purpose behind how God answers prayer.

  • That you really can trust God with your life!

  • And much more…

If you can’t wait to start the journey of discovery for yourself hit the “Buy Now!” button below and get your copy. If you want to find out more before making a decision, keep reading…

The Importance of Questions

The right questions are a doorway to discovery and growth, they uncover hidden treasures of truth that lead us on life-changing journeys. They have the unique ability to act in our lives as both a tomb and a womb, a place of death – where things are laid to rest – and a place where new life forms and consequently bursts into our world, demanding both our attention and our care.

We pick up ideas along the way in life and in our Christian walk which can become beliefs, but those ideas or beliefs may not always have a good foundation in truth, or be what Scripture actually says. The end result is that we live lives that don’t serve us, or others, well. So we need to be free to question what we believe, to look at it to see if it is based on truth. The questions in “What if” are great questions for that! They will propel you into a greater understanding of God’s goodness and bring such freedom into your life that you cannot help but do your happy dance! Best of all, these questions, and the answers you receive, will bring you into a deeper relationship with Jesus, Father God, and Holy Spirit.

To aid the discovery process as you read the book we’ve included journaling pages after each chapter to help you process what you discover. These pages are a great place to explore your responses and hold a conversation with the Trinity, so you can experience even more goodness and richness.



“What if” started as a 40-day series of devotions released on Facebook and during that time many readers asked for the posts to be turned into a book so they could revisit the truths again. Here’s what several people said about the devotional series when it appeared on Facebook…

“I was sharing with a friend today how I don’t usually like to ask questions because people will think I am stupid. Because of your posts God has given me the courage to ask them now.” – Lorri.

“Thank you for these posts. I have looked forward to each day. They challenged me, but mostly encouraged me and heartened me in my faith. This has taken me deeper into the love of the Father, and the sacrifice of Christ has much more meaning and truth to me now.”  – Jacquetta.

“Another truth which gives me the shivers, that turns things around and reveals truth. I’ve never thought of that passage in that way. So, so good! Asking questions with God involved will lead to truth and freedom.”  – Steve.

“Thank you, Lyn, for bringing truth to the conversation, as you mentor the reader through some challenging thoughts. I love these conversations with their ability to challenge our status quo and the why and what foundations we form our thoughts and actions on. Love it!”  – Petrina.

“That’s the good news! So wonderfully explained Lyn!!!” – Helen.


About the Author


Lyn Packer is an internationally respected prophet, teacher and author who has been in full-time ministry for over four decades. Lyn heads up “Together Network” and the “New Zealand Prophetic Network”, and is on the Global Board of Patricia King’s “Women in Ministry Network”. Lyn and her husband Rob have faithfully served the church worldwide over their 40+ years of ministry. Rob is also well-known as a teacher, worship leader and coach, itinerant minister and pastor. They live in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Don’t miss out, buy what if… now and let the truth set you free to be all God created you to be!
