The Life-Giving Power of Honour by Rob Packer

The Life-Giving Power of Honour by Rob Packer


Hidden in the instinctive cry of every human heart is a longing so powerful and all pervasive that it shapes every decision that we make, and fills every moment of our days. Placed there by the Creator Himself it is like a homing beacon that can't be ignored - it must be pursued. It is expressed in the 2 questions, "Who am I?" and "What is it that gives me value?" It is embedded in the cry, "Will somebody let me be me!"

In this powerful and impacting book Rob Packer shows how that cry of our heart can only be fully met in a life changing encounter with God, where religious lies have been peeled back and exposed for what they are, and we are introduced to the unshakeable love of the Father, to the life changing reality that we are truly celebrated, not just tolerated, and that we are given total permission to be who we were created to be!

As you read this book you'll find yourself on a journey of discovery that brings you into a place of healing and freedom - freedom that will not only affect you, but everyone around you. You'll not only find out who you are, and what it is that gives you value, but you will discover how to recognize that value in others and how to call them into their true identity.

You'll discover how to create the environment where relationships of all types can flourish and grow, and then you'll discover how that applies to the most significant relationship in the universe - the relationship that the whole created cosmos is groaning and waiting to see come into full expression.


"The first time I heard Rob Packer teach on honour, I was in awe of the revelation. The Life Giving Power of Honour will give you transformational revelatory insights and practical applications into the subject – you will be not only impacted but empowered to embrace the qualities, benefits and rewards of godly honour." – Patricia King, Founder, Patricia King Ministries,

"When a well known international ministry told me that Rob Packer's teaching on 'honour' was the best she'd ever heard, I determined to "sit up and listen" when he taught on the subject! I wasn't disappointed. Now, as Rob releases this book, I am even more impressed by his revelation on this essential value. He skilfully teaches on this subject from many angles to bring us into a whole new understanding and revelation of The Life Giving Power of Honour.

Do we allow God to be Himself in our lives and our churches? Do we, ourselves, know what it means to be released and revealed? Rob Packer unpacks these key questions – questions that need to be unpacked for the Body of Christ so she may enter her full destiny and purpose. Understanding the power of honour will release individuals, leaders, and churches throughout the nations to enter their destiny and purpose." – Pastor Janet Chambers, Living Waters Christian Centre, Christchurch.

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