When God Is Silent by Lyn Packer mp3 digital download

When God Is Silent by Lyn Packer mp3 digital download


How do we process times when God seems to be silent? In times like this the enemy of our souls wants us to feel rejected and abandoned by God. But hidden within the silence of God is an invitation. It’s an invitation to grow in understanding, experience and walking in faith. It’s an invitation to discover some things - about the Lord and about ourselves that will propel us to greater levels of maturity and wisdom.

The times of God’s silence can be some of our most precious growth times if we know how to use them. In this teaching Lyn gives you understanding of how to do so. She shows you how to position yourself to take full advantage of the invitation that is in God’s times of silence. Through this teaching you’ll learn…

 What Gods purpose is during those times of silence

 How to process those times of silence

 How to use them to increase and strengthen your faith in God

 How to use them to position you for fresh revelation

 How to use them to bring you to a new place of maturity

 How to operate in a state of rest in the midst of those times

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